Anna Makarova Anna Makarova

Baddha Konasana, Upavishta Konasana & Supta Konasana--> Bound Angle Pose, Seated Angle Pose & Reclined Angle Pose

Baddha Konasana, Upavishta Konasana & Supta Konasana Health Benefits

Baddha Konasana is a nice and relaxing posture after the three very intense and advance poses (Bhujapidasna, Supta Kurmasana and Garbha Pindasana). The aim of this posture is to get your knees on the floor with a straight back folded forward over your legs. But it does not mean that you don't get benefits of it if you cant do it perfectly. It takes time to master it and you get benefits of the posture in each stage of this posture practice. 

  • It stimulates abdominal organs, bladder and kidneys
  • It improves blood circulation
  • Stretches the inner thighs, groins, and knees
  • Can help relieve mild depression and anxiety
  • Therapeutic for high blood pressure and asthma

Upavishta Konasana opens up the hips and gives a nice stretch to your hamstrings, inner thighs and back. The asana also improves circulation in the pelvic and abdominal areas and is a great pose for overall flexibility improvements. 

  • Stretches the inner thighs and backs of the legs
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs
  • Strengthens and stretches the spine
  • Releases groins
  • It stimulates the entire pelvic region, including the ovaries

Supta Konasana is very similar to Upavishta Konasana, except it is done while lying on your back. It provides a nice stretch in your back, inner thighs and opens hips, stimulating circulation to the vital organs of elimination and reproduction. 

  • It stretches spine, legs, back and arms 
  • Stimulates circulation in the groin area
  • By stretching your entire length, it also improves your concentration 
  • It is good for the thyroid gland
  • Stimulates bladder and kidneys
  • Stimulates the heart and improves general circulation
  • Can help in relieving the symptoms of stress and mild depression
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Anna Makarova Anna Makarova

Garbha Pindasana & Kukkutasana --> Embryo in the Womb Pose & Rooster Pose

Garbha Pindasana & Kukkutasana Health Benefits

Garth Pindasana - Garbha means womb and Pinda means embryo. In this asana we are making ourselves like an embryo in a womb. Kukkutasana - Our arms and hands resemble the legs and claws of a rooster. Both postures work with the back of our bodies, where we have important organs like kidneys. When we are rocking and rolling on our backs we are massaging the kidneys, which helps our bodies to eliminate toxins.    
These postures also purify liver and spleen as our legs are in lotus and the heels are pressed into the abdomen, which helps to massage the organs. 
Furthermore the arms squeezing through the calfs and thighs, applies pressure on the lymphatic vessels and it helps to cleanse the lymph tissue. 

  • The postures massage and cleanse internal organs
  • Improve digestion
  • They relax and stretch the spine, especially the lumbar spine
  • Both postures strengthen the abdominal muscles
  • Good stretch for the hips and gluteal muscles 
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Anna Makarova Anna Makarova

Kurmasana & Supta Kurmasana --> Turtle Pose & Sleeping Turtle Pose

Kurmasana & Supta Kurmasana Health Benfits

The name Kurmasana has been derived from a Sanskrit word "Kurma", which means "turtle". The posture resembles the shape of a turtle, where the back is curved like a turtle shell. It is an advance posture, and quite challenging to perform, but with regular practice it is possible and it becomes a very meditative and comfortable posture. Supta Kurmasana - Sleeping Turtle is even more advance. Your arms are wrapped and clasped behind your back and your legs are behind your head and ankles are hooked right on top of the left one. It is an even deeper posture that Kurmasana, but also with regular practice it becomes a very enjoyable posture. One of the primary benefits of these postures is that it increases blood flow to the heart and lungs.  


    • These postured helps you to stretch your back and your legs
    • Open the pelvis, hips, and low back
    • Improve the functioning of the digestive and respiratory systems
    • They lengthen the spine and muscles along the back
    • Strengthens the outer hips
    • The organs in the abdomen are stimulated during this posture
    • Any tightness that is present in the lumbar and sacrum areas are released
    • Blood flow to the brain is increased
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