Anna Makarova Anna Makarova

Utthita Parsvakonasana --> Extended Side Angle Pose and Parivrtta Parsvokonasana --> Revolved Side Angle Pose

Utthita Parsvakonasana  and Parivrtta Parsvokonasana health benefits

Usually when we wake up our first stretch is arms raised above our heads, we take a deep breath and yawn. Both humans and animals do it. By stretching and lengthening both sides of the body we feel awake and energised.  Practicing Utthita Parsvakonasana gives the same stretch as it lengthens the body from head to toe. It stabilises your legs while you open and expand the sides of your rib cage, training the muscles that support good and deep breathing.  Parivrtta Parsvokonasana additionally stretches and twists your spine which is an important movement we don't do often in our daily life and it challenges and improves your balance. 

  •  Both strengthen thighs, hips, knees and ankles
  • Both stretch your groin, back, spine, waste, lungs and shoulders
  • Both massages and stimulate your internal organs
  • Both increase endurance and stamina 
  • Parivrtta Parsvokonasana improves digestion and aids elimination
  •  Parivrtta Parsvokonasana improves balance
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Anna Makarova Anna Makarova

Utthita Trikonasana --> Extended Triangle Pose and Parivrtta Trikonasana --> Revolved Triangle Pose

Physical Benefits of Utthita Trikonasana and Parivrtta Trikonasana

Utthita Trikonasana is a standing pose. This poses mainly focuses on extending and stretching out various parts of the body and it also has many health benefits to offer. Parivrtta Trikonasana has almost the same health benefits but it requires more concentration as you have to twist your body where balancing becomes harder. 

  • Both stretch and strengthen thighs, knees and ankles
  • Both stretch and expand hips, hamstrings, chest and spine
  • Both stimulate the abdominal organs
  • They help relieve stress
  • Both stimulate and improve digestion
  • It is therapeutic for anxiety, flat feet, neck pain and osteoporosis if practiced daily
  • Helps to keep your mind balanced and concentrated
  • Parirtta Trikonasana releases the thoracic spine (upper and middle spine)


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Anna Makarova Anna Makarova

Padanghustasana --> Hold the Big Toe Pose and Padahastasana --> Feet on Hands Pose

Physical benefits of Padanghustasana and Padahastasana

These two postures are one of the easiest and are one of the few poses that stretches out the muscles from head to toe. The only difference between the two postures is that Padahastasana is a deeper stretch than Padanghustasana, but the physical benefits remain the same. 

  • It improves flexibility as it stretches the body from head to toe including thigh muscles, hamstrings, calf muscles, the whole back and arms. 
  • It regulates blood pressure and anxiety which leads to a calmer mind
  • Increases the blood flow to the brain and improves concentration
  • Relieves you from bloated feeling and any excess gas trapped inside the body
  • It helps tired muscles to feel rejuvenated
  • It stimulates and massages liver and spleen
  • Strengthens the knees
  • It strengthens your bones so it is recommended for people suffering from osteoporosis
  • It relieves from headaches and insomnia
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