Bhujapidasana & Tittibasana--> Shoulder Pressure Pose & Firefly Pose

Bhujapidasana health Benefits

Bhujapidasana is one of the first arm balancing postures practiced in Ashtanga yoga Primary series.  It is an arm supported posture where the supporters are the palms of the hands. It requires both balance and strength to be able to achieve this posture. 

Tittibasana is a posture that you get into right after Bhujapidasana. It also requires strength of the upper body and additionally you need flexible hamstrings. This is an arm balancing posture that incorporates the legs flexibility with core strength. When the lower body is raised from the mat, the pose strengthens the shoulders and wrists further.

  • Both posture strengthen the arms and wrists
  • They tone the abdominal muscles and organs
  • Both improve balance
  • Tittibasana stretches the inner groins and back torso
  • May be therapeutic for certain lower back pain, indigestion and constipation