Anna Makarova Yoga

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Matsyasana & Uttana Padasana --> Fish Pose & Intense Leg Pose

Matsyasana & Uttana Padasana Health Benefits

In Ashtanga yoga, Matsyasana is practiced with legs in Padmasana/ Lotus pose, while holding the feet with your hands. It gives a deeper arch in your back and deeper stretch in your chest and throat. Those, who cannot do a Lotus pose or don’t feel comfortable in it, can have easy crossed legs or straight legs for the posture. Matsyasana is usually performed after Sarvangasana/ Shoulderstand where you stretch the neck and spine and compress the chest and after that you do Fish pose to stretch your body the other way, arch your back and stretch the chest and shoulders to even out the body. It also expands the ribcage and so expands your lung capacity.

  •  Stretches intercostal muscles (muscles between your rib

  •  It relieves tension in your shoulders, neck and throat

  •  Stretches your abdominal muscles and your inner organs

  •  Relieves stress and anxiety

  •  Improves posture (good for people with rounded shoulders)

  •  Clears up the respirator system


Uttana Padasana in Ashtanga is performed with the back arched same as in Fish pose with crown of the head on the floor while legs and arms are raised up straight. It is an intense pose, and can be difficult for beginners, but it can be very quickly achieved if practiced regularly.  It is beneficial for those having back pain and stomach disorders. It is also very good for strengthening abdominal muscles and back muscles.

  •  Improves digestion and relieves constipation

  •  Strengthens the abdominal muscles and organs

  •  Strengthens back, hip and thigh muscles

  •  Can cure back pain

  •  Increases blood circulation in the whole body

  •  Improves the function of reproductive organs